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Report: Anchorage Drivers are Bad?

February 10th, 2016

Anchorage Crash

Are drivers in Anchorage really that bad?

The latest America’s Best Drivers Report from Allstate suggests that, yes, unfortunately, we are. Of the 200 largest cities in the United States, Anchorage ranked No. 127 in accident frequency in 2015. Firmly in the below average percentile.

Allstate based its data on claims it received from the cities. Allstate spokeswoman Annie Gustafson said because Allstate has roughly one-tenth of the national insurance market, its data is a good representation of how often drivers in these cities are getting into accidents.

The data show that Anchorage drivers on average are likely to have a vehicle collision once every 8.3 years, which is about 20.7 percent more likely than the national average.

That’s better than 2014’s ranking, when Anchorage was at No. 131 in the rankings. It’s ranked similar to Syracuse, NY, where drivers have a miserable reputation.

The study doesn’t delve into reasons for Anchorage’s bad showing, but does note that the result is surprising due to the moderate weather ranking and low population density.

According to Allstate, the city with the worst drivers is Boston, where they have a bad accident every 3.9 years, on average.

The city with the best drivers is Kansas City, Kansas, where they only get into crashes every 13.3 years.